D.O.A. - War+peace CD
Etusivu > Alternative/Punk 0-F
1. Disco Sucks
2. New Age
3. The Enemy
4. The Prisoner
5. World War 3
6. D.O.A.
7. Unknown
8. Waiting For You
9. Fucked Up Ronnie
10. War In the East
11. Liar For Hire
12. War
13. Fuck You
14. General Strike
15. Race Riot
16. Let's Wreck the Party
17. Behind the Smile
18. That's Progress
19. Already Dead
20. Liberation & Execution
21. Overtime
22. Death To the Multinationals
23. Dead Men Tell No Tales
24. We're Drivin' To Hell N'back
25. Just Say No To the Wto
26. Mexican Holiday