999 - 999/Separates CD
Etusivu > Alternative/Punk 0-F
First Two Albums For London Punk-Rockers, Both 1978
1. Me and My Desire
2. Chicane Destination
3. Crazy
4. Your Number is My Number
5. Hit Me
6. I'm Alive
7. Titanic (My Over) Reaction
8. Pick It Up
9. Emergency
10. No Pity
11. Direct Action Briefing
12. Nobody Knows
13. Homicide
14. Tulse Hill Night
15. Rael Rean
16. Let's Face It
17. Crime Part 1
18. Feelin' Alright With the Crew
19. Out of Reach
20. Subterfuge
21. Wolf
22. Brightest View
23. High Energy Plan